"So What?!" Article Series
"The sermon defines the pulpit, the pulpit leads the church, and the church influences the nation."
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A Brief outline of the Articles
The Series Overview
In the Series Overview, we lay the groundwork for the whole series. We define terms and show the reader our intended approach to expound the quote: "The sermon defines the pulpit, the pulpit leads the Church, and the Church influences the nation." We will discover how seminary affects not only the pastor, but also the congregation, and ultimately the world. Click on the link below, join the conversation, and discover how and why seminary affects you (whether you like it or not)!
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The Sermon & the pulpit
The Sermon & the Pulpit looks at how God's word and spirit work in the heart of a man to evoke his desire to proclaim God's truth (1 Tim 3:1). God calls the preacher and provides the message. The pulpit depends not upon gimmicks, play-acting, or theater, but upon the very Word of God burning within the bones of a man (Jer 20:9). He heralds the truth of God by the power of God using the word of God. The sermon and pulpit depend not on man, but the power of God (Rom [1:16]).
Coming soon...
The Pulpit & the Church
The Pulpit & the Church investigates how God's word proclaimed to the Church by a spirit filled preacher affects the congregation. How does spirit empowered and word driven preaching from the pulpit lead the Church. Jesus Christ called the Church to shine His Light and stand apart amongst the world as a Holy people (1 Peter 2:9) and lover of all men (Matthew 5:14-16). How does the Pulpit inform, exhort, and lead the Church for God's glory?
Coming soon...
The Church & The Nation
Likely, the most controversial article. This is where 'the rubber meets road' and we put the past three articles to use, arguing how the Church influences the nations. We will investigate how bad, listless, misguided, partial, and unbiblical preaching misleads the Church and destroys many nations: from Rome, to Germany, and modern countries around the world. Moreover, we will investigate how faithful expositional preaching and a singular devotion to the integrity of the Scriptures serves to preserve a host of nations. We will show how Churches throughout the centuries held to biblical tenets, expounded the value of the Bible, and served as an undying light to Christ for the benefit of countless people.
Coming soon...